1,283 research outputs found

    Analytic and simulation results about a compact, reliable, and unbiased 1-bit physically unclonable constant

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    Physically unclonable constants (PUC) are circuits used to embed unique secret bit-words in chips. We propose a simple PUC, with a complexity comparable with an SRAM cell. The proposed scheme is studied both theoretically and by means of simulations and it is shown that the proposed PUC is both unbiased and very stable. In particular, its intra-distance is predicted to be from 10 to 100 times smaller than competitor schemes. Simulations allow to conclude that the advantages of the proposed scheme are relevant enough to make it competitive even if the actual performance of a real implementation, not considered in this paper, will turn out to be an order of magnitude worse than predicte

    Group-based reduction schemes for streaming applications

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    Some peer-to-peer streaming systems make use of linear codes to reduce the rate of the data uploaded by peers with limited upload capabilities. Such "data reduction" techniques are based on a vector-space approach and produce the data to be uploaded by means of linear combinations of the content data in a suitable finite field. In this paper, we propose a more general approach based on group theory. The new approach, while including the vector space approach as a special case, allows to design schemes that cannot be modeled as linear codes. We analyze the properties of the schemes based on the new approach, showing also how a group-based scheme can be used to prevent stream poisoning and how a group-based scheme can be converted into a secret-sharing scheme. Examples of group-based schemes that cannot be described in the vector-space framework are also shown

    Enterprise Eco-watching and Appraisal: Asset Modelling and Sustainability Assessment

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    AbstractAt the millennium turnover, the ecology globalisation shows the impeding threats of over-depletion/pollution: the sustainable growth requires supply-chain visibility, resource bookkeeping and renovation planning. The lifecycle starts when the idea of a product is born and lasts until complete disposal after realisation and operation. In the musts’ specification/analysis, the basic design (global plan, detailed design, assembly design, etc.) are followed by manufacturing, assembly, testing, diagnostics and operation, advertising, service, maintenance, etc.; then, disassembly and firing are scheduled, requiring reclamation and recovery, by re-cycling (material reprocessing) or re-using (part refurbishing). The present paper provides pilot clues for understanding the product-process agendas, using the TYPUS metrics and the KILT model, developed by the authors, in previous works

    State of the art on Neuropterida of Sicily and Malta

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    Sicily, the largest Mediterranean island, is surrounded by many small islands (Aeolian Islands, Ustica, Aegadian Islands, Pantelleria, Linosa, Lampedusa, Maltese Islands), some of which forming archipelagoes. The authors, after a historical sketch of the research on Neuropterida in Sicily (sensu lato), analyze the biodiversity of the area, highlighting the species richness and providing an up-to-date check-list. The lack of knowledge on some of the most paradigmatic communities of Neuropterida is discussed in relation to their various habitats. The distributional patterns of Sicilian Neuropterida are interpreted in order to obtain a biogeographical characterization of the area. It is confirmed that the location of Sicily and its surrounding islands forms a bridge between north and south and a door from the W Mediterranean region to the oriental Mediterranean basi

    Co-targeting of Bcl-2 and mTOR pathway triggers synergistic apoptosis in BH3 mimetics resistant acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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    Several chemo-resistance mechanisms including the Bcl-2 protein family overexpression and constitutive activation of the PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling have been documented in acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), encouraging targeted approaches to circumvent this clinical problem. Here we analyzed the activity of the BH3 mimetic ABT-737 in ALL, exploring the synergistic effects with the mTOR inhibitor CCI-779 on ABT-737 resistant cells. We showed that a low Mcl-1/Bcl-2 plus Bcl-xL protein ratio determined ABT-737 responsiveness. ABT-737 exposure further decreased Mcl-1, inducing apoptosis on sensitive models and primary samples, while not affecting resistant cells. Co-inhibition of Bcl-2 and the mTOR pathway resulted cytotoxic on ABT-737 resistant models, by downregulating mTORC1 activity and Mcl-1 in a proteasome-independent manner. Although Mcl-1 seemed to be critical, ectopic modulation did not correlate with apoptosis changes. Importantly, dual targeting proved effective on ABT-737 resistant samples, showing additive/synergistic effects. Together, our results show the efficacy of BH3 mimetics as single agent in the majority of the ALL samples and demonstrate that resistance to ABT-737 mostly correlated with Mcl-1 overexpression. Co-targeting of the Bcl-2 protein family and mTOR pathway enhanced drug-induced cytotoxicity by suppressing Mcl-1, providing a novel therapeutic approach to overcome BH3 mimetics resistance in ALL

    Frame-based multiple-description video coding with extended orthogonal filter banks

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    We propose a frame-based multiple-description video coder. The analysis filter bank is the extension of an orthogonal filter bank which computes the spatial polyphase components of the original video frames. The output of the filter bank is a set of video sequences which can be compressed with a standard coder. The filter bank design is carried out by taking into account two important requirements for video coding, namely, the fact that the dual synthesis filter bank is FIR, and that loss recovery does not enhance the quantization error. We give explicit results about the required properties of the redundant channel filter and the reconstruction error bounds in case of packet errors. We show that the proposed scheme has good error robustness to losses and good performance, both in terms of objective and visual quality, when compared to single description and other multiple description video coders based on spatial subsampling. PSNR gains of 5 dB or more are typical for packet loss probability as low as 5%

    Desuso gerado por colete de retificação de coluna: estudo experimental

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    A coluna vertebral configura-se como o principal eixo de sustentação e movimentação do aparelho locomotor, sendo que inúmeras condições clínicas podem requerer que essa estrutura seja submetida à restrição funcional. Dentre os tratamentos não invasivos usados em lesões da coluna ou esqueleto apendicular, tem-se a imobilização da coluna enquanto estratégia de reabilitação. Frente às restrições funcionais geradas por dispositivos de contenção aplicados na coluna vertebral, a proposta desse estudo foi adaptar uma órtese na coluna de ratos, mimetizando a imobilização dos coletes corretivos e avaliar as condições energéticas dos músculos da caixa torácica após 12 semanas de aplicação. Foram utilizados ratos Wistar com 42 dias de vida (período pós-desmame), acompanhados por 12 semanas em 2 grupos denominados controle (C) e usuário de colete de retificação (R) confeccionado de PVC para imobilizar a coluna vertebral. Foram avaliadas as seguintes concentrações: glicogênio (GLI) da musculatura paravertebral e da caixa torácica; proteínas totais e DNA (PT/DNA) e interleucina 6 (IL-6). Na análise estatística foi utilizado o teste de normalidade Kolmogorov-Smirnov seguido do teste de Tukey. Em todos os cálculos foi fixado um nível crítico de 5%. Foi verificado que o grupo R apresentou 12% menos massa corporal e reservas de GLI em média 21% menores; a relação PT/DNA apresentou-se em média 6,6% menor; já as concentrações de IL-6 mostraram-se em média 25% maiores. O estudo mostra que a restrição de movimento da coluna vertebral promove crise energética e comprometimento no desenvolvimento muscular. Sugere-se que sejam realizados outros estudos, com este modelo, para gerar estratégias de ação fisioterapêutica que possam reduzir o comprometimento muscular quando da imobilização da coluna.La columna se presenta como el principal eje de sustentación y movimiento del sistema locomotor, siendo que innúmeras condiciones clínicas pueden requerir que esa estructura sea sometida a restricción funcional. Entre los tratamientos no invasivos usados ​​en lesiones de la columna o esqueleto apendicular, se inmoviliza a la columna como una estrategia de rehabilitación. Frente a restricciones funcionales generadas por los dispositivos de contención aplicados en la columna vertebral, el propósito de este estudio fue adaptar un aparato ortopédico en la columna de ratones, imitando la inmovilización de los corsés ortopédicos y evaluar las condiciones energéticas de los músculos de la caja torácica después de 12 semanas de aplicación. Fueron utilizados ratones Wistar con 42 días de edad (período pos destete), seguidos por 12 semanas en 2 grupos llamados "control (C)" y "usuario de corsé de rectificación (R)" hechos de PVC para inmovilizar la columna vertebral. Fueron evaluadas las concentraciones de: glucógeno (GLY) de músculos paravertebrales y de la caja torácica; proteínas totales y ADN (PT/ADN) y interleucina 6 (IL-6). En el análisis estadístico se utilizó el test de normalidad de Kolmogorov-Smirnov seguido del test de Tukey. En todos los cálculos se estableció un nivel crítico de 5%. Se verificó que el grupo R tuvo 12% menos masa corporal y un promedio de 21% de reservas GLY más escasas; la relación PT/ADN se mostró, en promedio, 6,6 % más pequeña, mientras que las concentraciones de IL-6 en promedio, se mostraron 25 % más grande. El estudio muestra que la restricción de movimiento de la columna promueve crisis energética y compromiso en el desarrollo muscular. Se sugiere que se lleven a cabo otros estudios, con este modelo, para generar estrategias de acción fisioterápica que puedan reducir la afectación de los músculos durante la inmovilización de la columna.The spine is the main support and movement axis of the locomotor system, and numberless clinical conditions may require that this structure be submitted to functional restriction. Among the non-invasive treatments used in spinal or appendicular skeleton injuries, the immobilization of the spine is used as a rehabilitation strategy. Because of the functional restrictions generated by restraining devices used on the spine, the proposal of this study was to adapt a spinal orthosis on rats, thus mimicking the immobilization of corrective vests and assessing the energetic conditions of thoracic muscles after 12 weeks of application. Wistar rats that were 42 days old were used in this study (post-weaning period), followed-up for 12 weeks in 2 groups called control (C) and rectification vests (R), which were made of PVC to immobilize the spine. The following concentrations were evaluated: glycogen (GLY) of the paravertebral muscle and the thorax; total proteins and DNA (TP/DNA) and interleukin-6 (IL-6). The normality Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used for statistical analysis, followed by the Tukey test. A 5% level was established for all of the calculations. It was observed that group R presented 12% less body mass and GLY stores 21% lower; the ratio between TP/DNA was in average 6.6% lower; IL-6 concentrations were in average 25% higher. The study shows that the movement restriction in the spine leads to energetic crisis and compromised muscular development. More studies should be conducted with this model to generate physical therapy strategies that could reduce muscle compromise after spine immobilization